We need your help in creating a 100 Good Wishes quilt for our daughter.
We’re inviting each of you to contribute a patch of cloth and a special wish for the baby. Your written wish -- with a small piece of the fabric attached -- will be kept in a special memory book so that in years to come our child can see how very much she was loved and wanted.
My mother will create the quilt. By sewing together the many different patches you donate, she will make a one-of-a-kind heirloom containing all the good luck, positive energy, prayers and special wishes of the loved ones who contribute.
I’ve been told that such quilts, called Bai Jia Bei, are a tradition in the northern part of China. To welcome a child into the world, relatives and friends donated pieces of cloth from something they had worn, and the expectant mother would make the quilt.
This is a beautiful story, but being a journalist I tried to research it and am having a hard time verifying it! I found many references to these quilts among people adopting babies from China in the last six or seven years, but I am having difficulty finding anything about the original tradition. I found a 50-year-old reference to a similar story, however. The book "Imperial Woman" by Pearl S. Buck describes how a concubine in the Qing dynasty, having given birth to the only child of the Emperor, wants to ensure he is able to claim the throne. She requires each of the highest 100 families in the Empire to send a bolt of the finest silk, then she commands the palace tailors to cut 100 small pieces from them and make a robe for the child:
“Thus he belonged, by symbol, to one hundred strong and noble families, and under their shelter the gods would fear to harm him."But no matter what the origin of the 100 Good Wishes quilt, I think it will be a priceless gift for our daughter.
Here’s how you can help:
* Please choose a piece of 100 percent cotton fabric to represent your wish. The material can be from something you have worn, or you can buy it new. You can get creative and have fabric that represents something special about you (Vanderbilt logos, Siamese cats), or you can just pick a color or design that you like. Each piece should be no smaller than 7 inches by 7 inches.
* Think of a wish for the baby -- good health, happiness, admission to Stephens College, a sense of humor for her father’s jokes -- and put it on a card or paper. You can be creative with the design of your wish letter, or you can simply write out your thought on a piece of white paper. Please don’t stress over the format or worry about the wording -- what matters is that the wish come from your heart. I will attach a piece of your fabric to your wish in the memory book so that our daughter has a “key” for reading her quilt. The card or letter can be of any size up to 8 1/2 by 11 inches.
* You can contribute one piece of fabric for your entire family, or each member can contribute his or her own wish. The youngest members of your family can draw a picture or write their names on paper for us, and we will treasure that.
* Please send the materials to me (if you need our address, e-mail me and I will send it privately). I would like to have them by the end of the year, if possible
(EDITED -- That meant the end of 2005, but things changed! The end of 2006 will work, too!). I can’t wait to see your good wishes.
We were in Brentwood last weekend, so Mom and I conferred on the pattern she will follow and some other details. She was honored to be asked to create this special gift for her youngest granddaughter, and I know she will make it with much love.
Thanks for helping out!