Friday, January 20, 2006

Quilt news

Several people have asked lately if it's "too late" to donate fabric for the 100 Good Wishes Quilt. The answer is no! You still have time to contribute, and we hope you'll please, please do so! (See Oct. 15 entry for details on how to do it).

I put a new photo on our welcome page (EDITED -- I mean, right here!) to show you just a few of the fabric donations we've gotten in the last week -- you can see that the quilt will have many interesting colors and designs. In addition to the ones shown, we have received a Notre Dame jersey, the skirt to a Brownie uniform and some Star Wars fabric, just to name a few.

When you contribute, please send in a wish for the baby, too, so she can look through her scrapbook years from now and see who donated which piece. You can use your note to explain why you picked the fabric you did, if you want, or it can just contain a few words expressing hope for her future. If you go to the photo section(EDITED: right here), you'll see the letters from niece Candace and nephew Casey.

Organizing the quilt and working on the scrapbook keep me occupied while we're waiting for word of our referral. I'm touched by all the letters, and I just love seeing new donations come in. So if you haven't done your part, get busy! (I mean, "please give it thoughtful consideration.")

I was off work for two days last week while my dear friend Debi was in town helping me prepare for the baby in other ways (as well as bringing SIX PIECES of fabric, one representing each member of her family). We accomplished much while she was here -- check back in a few days for photos and news of the baby's room.

1 comment:

Miss jane said...
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