Sunday, December 02, 2007

We be thankful

Ting Ting's teacher made a chart listing why each kid in her day care group is thankful. I saw the chart on the wall the other day and had to take a photo (with my cell phone, and I didn't bother to move the dangly thing out of the way, so it's not the best quality shot, but I digress).

Most of the kids said they were thankful for their mommies or daddies. One was thankful for dance class, another for "black bridge." One said "Mommy's at work." I'm thinking she didn't understand the question.

Our kid definitely understood the question, though:

Yes, Ting Ting is grateful for her cat.

Of course, we already knew that she thanks the good Lord above for him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's so sweet! Cyrus is lucky to have such a devoted friend in Ting Ting -- and vice versa!