Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Politically correct tattle tale

SCENE: Sunday, early afternoon. Brandon and Ting Ting are in the computer room playing while Mom is in the kitchen putting together lunch. All of a sudden, Ting Ting marches into the kitchen and puts her hands on her hips.

TING TING: Mom! Banden's not making good choices!

(For the record, Brandon was printing a copy of a page they had just made with her favorite cartoon characters -- seemed like an excellent choice to me.)


RamblingMother said...

maybe he didn't let her push the print button?

a Tonggu Momma said...

Aaah... but this says so much about your parenting! Way to go, Momma!

Anonymous said...

I hear some very good parenting in this exchange :)!

Mendy said...


AK Mom said...

Thanks. Blogs are a great way to see how big the girls are getting! We should definitely try and meet half way one of these days.