Thursday, September 07, 2006

A gallery of babies

Referral photos can be sweet, funny, a little sad -- but always beautiful. Parents will always treasure that first sight of their little one bundled up like the Michelin man or propped up in an inflatible Hello Kitty chair. The webmaster for the July Dragonflies, who recently laid eyes on her own daughter for the first time, has put together this special gallery of referral photos from her little one's orphanage. It's a very sweet collection, and it'll make you laugh out loud. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Oh my -- they are so cute! Although the hello kitty wallpaper effect does detract from the beauty of each little face. I wonder if we should get some hello kitty paraphernalia to make Rachel feel more at home in Naperville?
Seriously, they are gorgeous!

Tamara said...

Now that's what I call cute! Makes you want to scoop up and hug every one of them.