Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

As I sat down to take a couple of minutes to wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day, I found out through another blog that Teleflora apparently considers me a "non-Mom" -- or at least they did before all the angry phone calls and emails. Sheesh. Good for them I was too busy the last couple of days playing with my 2-year-old (who keeps throwing her arms around me and exclaiming happily, "MY mama!") to add my voice to the angry chorus. Instead, I'm simply going to do what I had planned to do today and post a link to this beautiful Mother's Day column.

Happy Mother's Day to all.


Dawn said...

I hear ya, I purposely chose not to post about it because it was just so unbelivably insensitive, AND, I didn't want to add to their advertising...yes even bad publicity is good for business.

EmmaLi has been calling me "her best mommy ever" lately.....melts me everytime!!!

RamblingMother said...

I didn't pot about it either. I just figure it was one more chance for me to win mother of the year down the road, heh!!

prechrswife said...

Happy Mother's Day! (Okay, so I'm a day behind...)

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! Hope you and the little one had a wonderful day!

Allie, Katie and Harper's Mom said...

I hope you had an awesome day!!!
I know I just came back from
vacation and read all the comments
about the Non-Mom. It made me
SICK!!! After everything I went
through to get here. The heck
with them I thought!!! Thanks
for stopping by and answering
my questions about the header
I want to do something new!!!

Take Care, fellow BA MOM!!!


Anonymous said...

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! God knows we all earn it. :-)

Your daughter gets cuter every day, if that is even possible.
