Wednesday, October 04, 2006

At last!

We have an appointment at Sunny Ridge this Friday to get Rachel's translated file and her official referral photos! I'm hoping to be able to post the pictures by mid-afternoon. Let's make some guesses on what she looks like: Hair or no hair? Teeny tiny or butterball? Will her referral outfit match her shoes? Will she be smiling in any of the photos, or will they look like they've been shot at the local police station? I can't wait to see!


Jacquie said...

Susan - you made me think - I bet they look like Anika Cai's - you know which ones I mean? At least we know that all of our babes will make the pictures beautiful. Jacquie

Anonymous said...

I guess she will have big brown eyes, not so much hair because they probably shaved it this summer, and that she will be smiling. I know she will be absolutely beautiful:)

Anonymous said...

I'll bet she will have the sweetest smile. If it doesn't show in any of these pictures, I'm sure it will when she comes home!


Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

I am glad to hear the news!! I've been checking everyday for an update!!! I've been so anxious. I am sure that is only a fraction of what you are feeling!!!!


Kathryn said...

Hi! Just started following along with your blog; 1st time I found a blog for someone with Sunny Ridge. Is your social worker Jess. I know her from another website.