Sunday, August 27, 2006

Official word

Here's what it looks like when the China Center of Adoption Affairs updates its website:

One quirk of the wording is that CCAA always reports it has finished placing children for families registered "before" a certain date. To most of us, this notice would appear to say they have matched through July 21, not including the 22nd. However, people with log-in dates of July 22 were matched in this last batch.

Our log-in date is July 25. That means if we were waiting for service at the post office, we'd have No. 725, and the clerks would have just finished with customer No. 722. And they've just closed the window for a month-long lunch break.

The last few monthly batches of referrals have included anywhere from 7 to 15 log-in dates. July 25 was a Monday last year, so only a small number of dossiers were logged in over the weekend, July 23 and 24. That would seem to indicate that they can get to us that much faster.

But we're NOT making any assumptions about when we will be matched with Rachel. You'll just have to stay tuned (or consult the Magic 8-Ball). (EDITED 9-11-06: The magic 8-ball has disappeared! What am I going to do now?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan!
I won't even say hang in there or anything like that because you have been doing enough of that already. I will say that this is all a test of your motherhood because PATIENCE is really a huge part of it. Believe me, on my 17th round of playing Dora cards, bike riding up and down the driveway, waiting for a child who insists on buckling and tying everything herself...well, you can see where I'm going with this. Just consider yourself in training. And if you think this waiting is the hardest part, wait until the potty training!

There's something to think about as you wait some more... :-)
