Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Ting Ting's checkup

Don't you just want to eat her up?

Monday morning the babies all had the medical exam required for them to leave China.

The clinic was just a couple of blocks from the hotel, so we walked over in a group. Here are Ting Ting and I with Bill (Tamara and her mother Barbara and daughter Linnea behind us).

Here's a better shot of them.

And here are Kim (with Shelbi) and Erik (with Leanna).

And Dr. Kate and lovely Maggie.

The medical exam was pretty simple. At one station, doctors weighed the babies and checked their height. Another doctor looked them over for signs of illnesses (like chicken pox or measles, I suspect) and measured their head circumference. Another checked their ears . . . oops.

The doctor looked into Ting Ting's right ear, then her left and said, "oh, she has an infection in this ear." She said she needed medication immediately, and I tried to explain that we had given her the full course of antibiotics already. But I was worried that her ear didn't look any better -- I thought it might even keep us in China a little longer.

Bill came in and helped me talk with the doctor, and Lance went out and consulted our travel mate, Dr. Kate, who had checked out Ting Ting earlier. She said this antibiotic will stay in Ting Ting's system for 10 days or so and that we can tell it's working because Ting Ting feels so much better. She said the "changes to the ear drum" might not be apparent for two weeks or so. Meanwhile, I asked Bill to tell the doctor that Ting Ting already was being treated for an ear infection. He did, then he told me the doctor said she also had a bad cold and needed medicine for that.

OK, so I'm just getting started at this mommy thing.

We came back to the room and I gave her a bottle, then she took a reallllllyyyy long nap. After that she had a huge lunch, then she was a very happy girl.

Meanwhile, Lance was having lunch with Judy and Jeff and the very cool Bella.

Every day we can see Ting Ting feeling better and getting happier. She is a little imp with a delicious smile and a delightful sense of humor. We can't wait for you all to meet her.

Meanwhile, we're enjoying beautiful Guangzhou.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well hello there. I know that the ear infection & cold didn't keep you in China any longer, because you're already home. I've been dying to see new info on this site for it seems like forever.
Keith said Lance called him on the way home from the air port! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! I can hardly stand it any more. I want to sqeeze her so badly. I'm thrilled that all went well with the trip and that you all made it home safely. Looking forward to see you soon.
Love to all Chris, Keith, Casey & Candace. XXXOOO